If we were to honestly condemn violence against women

Hrm, evidently Friday was International Women's Day ... maybe a good opportunity to reflect on a seldom-discussed but common form of violence against women - namely, how "modern", "civilized" society continues to brutally violate the rights of many innocent women by forcibly locking them in cages for victimless consensual crimes:


Decriminalization of (adult, consent-based) prostitution would restore to the justice system its proper role of protecting the natural rights of citizens, rather than violating them - providing not only protection against being locked up at gunpoint, but also legal remedies against abuse by the very forces who are supposed to protect society's most vulnerable: http://www.news24.com/SouthAfrica/News/Most-sex-workers-abused-by-police-study-20120822
"About 70% of sex workers have been abused by police"
"Sex workers experience violence during arrest by police officers who routinely beat them, pepper spray them and sexually assault them."
"Police officers commit these crimes with impunity. They remove their name tags so that sex workers are unable to identify them and they instil such fear in the sex workers that they are afraid to report these crimes to the authorities"
Many people claim to condemn violence against women, yet simultaneously openly advocate for violence against this "sub-class" of women. This is little more than barbarism perpetrated in the name of justice.


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