Miscellaneous (Trafficking; Mars One; DA; Motorcyclists)
Miscellaneous: • How not to talk about human trafficking » Related: - Sex Slave Story Revealed to be Fabricated » - Campaigners too readily accept inflated figures for trafficked women - Figures behind child prostitutes overinflated? - Falsely inflated statistics about sex trafficking in the U.S. make bad policy and laws - Inquiry fails to find single trafficker who forced anybody into prostitution • I'm not sure it's possible to convey with words just how bad this article manages to be in five short paragraphs: Murder hits more black homes [News24] » • Video of motorist punching cyclist » - I suspect this assault is a consequence of the rising "hurr hurr I hate cyclists!!1!1 derp" mentality that seems to be spreading virally lately. In some sense, are cyclists the 'new Jews'? It's almost as if humans can't help but collectively select some group of people to dehumanize and target ... whether it's "witches", bl...