
Showing posts from November, 2013

New software released

New version 2013 of our  TLex Suite now available ยป (TLex lexicography software, tlTerm terminology software, etc.)

On "Bleeding-Heart Libertarians"

(For those familiar with the BHL blog, where they are known to sneak in justifications for using force): The very phrase ' Bleeding Heart Libertarian ', if you think about it, is 'in and of itself' actually a subtle contextual ad hominem and ' poisoning the well ' attack on 'actual' (i.e. non-force-advocating) libertarians ... the only way it makes sense to prefix the "bleeding heart" adjective at all is if you're sneaking in a sort of suckerpunch claim that your opponents ('normal' libertarians who presumably, we are to take it, don't have 'bleeding hearts') are 'heartless'; it is essentially a claim that much pain and suffering would be allowed and ignored if 'ordinary' 'non-bleeding-heart' libertarians were ever in charge - it automatically frames all subsequent discourse and debate within this mindset, and it's 'smart' but sneaky in that it puts debate opponents immediately on...